To facilitate warping of embeds, cast in place, and erection materials with the new EDGE^R Auto Warping tool, two new parameters will need to be utilized: IS_WARPABLE_SHAPE and AUTOWARP_DISPLACEMENT. Upon running Auto Warping, any Specialty Equipment or Generic Model category elements that have the IS_WARPABLE_SHAPE parameter toggled on will have a direct shape (belonging to the Entourage category) created for them. This direct shape is representative of where that element will be positioned in the warped state. Additionally, an AUTO_WARP_DISPLACEMENT value will be written to all top level Specialty Equipment and Generic Model families. This value represents the offset that the element would need from its current position to be placed properly for connecting to warped structural framing elements. This parameter could be used within parent families to automate the movement of nested embeds.

For example, let's consider a spandrel to double tee connection family. This connection family is composed of 3 nested families: a double tee plate, spandrel plate, and erection material. The double tee plate and erection material would need to have the IS_WARPABLE_SHAPE parameter added to them and set to true. This means that Auto Warping would create direct shapes for each of these families to represent where they will be placed during erection. For the spandrel plate it would need its IS_WARPABLE_SHAPE parameter set to false so that a direct shape will not be created for it, and we will instead control its offset with the AUTO_WARP_DISPLACEMENT parameter. This will allow Auto Warping to offset the spandrel plate to the correct position relative to the warped double tee that it will be connecting to. The steps below define how to set up the AUTO_WARP_DISPLACEMENT parameter so that it can be used to automate the offset of relevant nested materials.
Adding Offset Parameter to Connection Families:

1. Open the connection family
2. Add the two parameters listed below
3. In your project browser, open an Elevation view
4. Draw a Reference Plane at the maximum amount of displacement that the plate would ever need to be offset (1’-0” in this example)
5. Dimension from the plate's centerline to the reference plane and lock the dimension (1’-0”)
6. Dimension from the Ref. Level to the reference plane and apply the vertical_plate_offset parameter that you created in step 2
Parameters Needed:
Parameter Name: vertical_plate_offset
Parameter Type: Family parameter (helper parameter)
Discipline: Common
Type of Parameter: Length
Group Parameter Under: Other
Parameter Type: Shared parameter (This is an EDGE parameter. You will not need to create it from scratch.)
Discipline: Common
Type of Parameter: Length
Group Parameter Under: Other
Note: After you create these parameters you will need to add a formula to the helper parameter. In the Formula field for vertical_plate_offset, type the following: AUTO_WARP_DISPLACEMENT + 1’
