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Making Revit work for the Precast Industry.
Intuitive Modeling Process
With the custom content provided with the EDGE package, modeling precast on the Revit platform is more intuitive than ever.
Features user-friendly tools such as a multi-void cutting tool and the ability to tie corbels and ledges to their host product.
User-Friendly Drawing Creation
Once the model is complete, creating erection drawings is a simple task.
Utilizes efficiency-enhancing tools that allow users to annotate drawings more quickly.
Accurate Material and Product Counts
EDGE is a great tool to be utilized by estimating departments. A typical model can be built in half the time a conventional take-off would require. Once this model is built, all of the required information to put together a meaningful take-off is readily available.
Provides users the ability to track all elements in the model to put production embed counts, loose material counts, and field cast counts at your fingertips.
Direct Implementation into Common Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
All of the counts mentioned before can seamlessly be imported into many common ERP systems through compatible file formats.
Simplified Change Management
Because drawings are linked to the model, all dimensional and geometric changes made in the model are automatically corrected on erection drawings.
Changes are also auto-populated onto all effected shop tickets.
Utilizing the Full Intention of Building Information Modeling (BIM)
EDGE’s Autodesk platform makes collaboration with architects and engineers second nature.
Imagine receiving a Revit model from an architect and being able to immediately utilize this model to create a precast model. EDGE makes this possible.
Seamless Creation of Shop Ticketing
Users can efficiently create precast shop tickets that maintain all of the available intelligence that Revit provides.
EDGE provides an accurate bill of materials for individual shop tickets.
Complete Tracking of Precast Elements
EDGE tracks each precast element in the model throughout the vital stages of its life cycle. Users can quickly and accurately determine the number of marks and pieces in a model, quantify elements with added reinforcement, and track the creation and issuance of shop tickets.
“Implementing Building Information Modeling for precast concrete systems, particularly architectural precast, is a challenging task. Even more challenging is doing it in a way that provides an efficient workflow for precast designers. Edge^R dramatically improves the process of modeling an entire precast project from concept to final production piece drawings. BIM for precast doesn’t seem like such a tall mountain to climb anymore.”
Jason Davis, PE, Engineering Manager
Gate Precast
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